Why Is It More Difficult to Sleep in Summer?
Sleep is triggered by an increase in the hormone melatonin, which regulates our circadian rhythm—our internal body clock that promotes sleep. During summer, with lighter evenings, our body actually suppresses melatonin production, keeping us awake longer. The warmer temperatures also play a role in sleepless nights. Summer heat raises our core body temperature, when typically our bodies would be cooling down in the evening, making us feel less ready for bed.
How Does Aromatherapy Help Sleep?
Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes, religious ceremonies, and perfumes. It's now widely recognised for its therapeutic benefits, especially when used to establish a bedtime routine. Your brain can be conditioned to associate certain fragrances with sleep, prompting the nervous system to transmit signals to the limbic system in the brain—the same part responsible for memory and emotion. Choosing the right essential oil is key to a natural remedy for sleep. For example, our Pillow Mist, a beautiful blend of 100% pure essential oils, is designed to help you relax and prepare for a peaceful night’s sleep.
Essential Oils to Help You Sleep Naturally
The most popular and widely recognised essential oil for sleep is Lavender. Celebrated for its relaxing effects, it actually increases slow-wave sleep, the deepest stage where your body physically restores itself. Another excellent, though less traditional, sleep aid is Peppermint essential oil. It’s great for relaxation and clearing your head. If you suffer from seasonal allergies or dust sensitivity, diffusing Peppermint oil in your bedroom can lead to a satisfying sleep.
How to Stop Insomnia Naturally
To be terribly tired but unable to sleep is an awful experience, sometimes described as a sort of living death. For a natural remedy, aromatherapy has been shown to alleviate insomnia and other sleep-related issues.
Insomnia Essential Oils: Valerian, Marjoram, Chamomile Roman, Clary Sage, Sandalwood, Lemon.
Method: Massage the oils into your body before having an essential oil bath. Make a blend using 30 drops of essential oil to 30ml of vegetable oil for a massage oil, or add 4 drops of your chosen essential oils to the bath, get in, and relax. If you have the energy, read a book, then go to bed. Try to repeat this process as often as needed.

Other Natural Ways to Help You Sleep
Take a close look at your evening habits leading up to bedtime. Try to avoid any stimulants—tea and coffee after midday are a no-no—and eat your evening meal earlier. It’s also important to completely unplug one hour before bedtime, avoiding screens as the blue light interferes with your body's melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone your body produces when it gets dark to signal that it’s time to go to sleep. Establishing a bedtime ritual is crucial; a great addition is our Deepest Sleep Pulse Point Oil, which combines lavender and orange oil to create a state of calm and is designed to send you off to sleep with ease.
Talk soon,
Bella x